Using your Hands, Mouth and Body

It’s good to use a variety of physical stimulation as you warm her up, and with that both where you’re touching her, which is covered in Other Sensitive Spots and the pacing, which is covered in The Excitement of Unpredictability, but also how.

With your hands the choices are: soft caress – using the tips of your fingers to glide along the body, moderately gentle kneed – palming the skin pressing on it lightly and passionately exploring, and “manhandling” – grabbing gripping twisting slapping. Each woman prefers a different amount of each, and essentially all like the middle one, and some don’t like one or both of the first and third.

With your mouth you can blow concentrated air with your lips puckered, blow wider air just opening your mouth and breathing out, kiss with your lips, kiss with lips and tongue included, an open and wide bite (you open wide and don’t dig it too much, doing this repeatedly and growling gives good effect. this doesn’t leave a mark), a closed bite (where you actually pinch skin with teeth, which can leave a mark except (unless you really go werewolf on her) on the ears), a suck.

As you’re moving across her body, don’t forget the rest of yours too. In general, the more skin-to-skin contact the better. Glide your chest against her stomach and your outer thigh against her inner thigh as you kiss her ttits, for example.