GGG, or “good, giving, and game” is an acronym coined by Dan Savage in regards to what constitutes a good sexual partner.
Good means skilled in bedroom activity. Certainly a good thing I agree with overall. That said remember good isn’t all technique, so it’s important to also be aware of energy, movement patterns, and youur inner world and its exression. I’ve often found when working with a woman’s sexual development, psychological and mental breakthroughs can be quite instrumental in unleashing her sexual expression. Otherwise, to be good ,read this blog and the many references included.
Giving means giving equal time and focus to a partner’s pleasure. I’d agree with this overall as well. No need to get all arithmetic on it, and some activities are hard to compare anyway, but make an effort to make her feel good, and expect her to do the same for you.
Game means willing to do anything, within reason. Now in my case I’m willing to do almost anything simply because I like everything. For others, for the most part yes, although I think beyond illegal or unsanitary activities, within reason could also be that the person knows it will be a turn off with them. If one doesn’t know, then better to be open to trying things, and you may even come to something you really like.
Alright, now I’ll add three
Glowing: means an overall fascinatioin with each other’s bodies and sexual world. A deep curiosity as well as hunger for deep physical intimacy and exploration.
Gumption: To complement willing to do things asked for, I’d also like to offer a notion of being proactive: being interested in sex in general and actively suggesting ideas of activities, outfits, etc. as well as being spontaneous in a setting of unusual scenery when the opportunity arises.
Gusto: sex is a physical act, and endurance and flexibility are key to both enjoying and giving pleasure. Make sure to keep both in top form. And both endurance and flexibility are important to both the man and the woman, so do whatever fitness protocol you enjoy that would achieve that. Furthermore, kegels are an excellent exercise for both men and women to develop their sexual muscles. Men squeeze your PC muscle for a couple seconds and then release and do 10 times, 5 sets or so once or twice a day. Women use kegel balls that go inside the pussy and then just squeeze them, on the same regmine.