Category: Orgasms

Orgasm Control

Lett’s talk about orgasm control, from the male perspective, meaning how to physically be in conscious control over the timing of my orgasm, and then about directing women’s orgasm. It’s fun to be able to, most of the time, completely control when I orgasm. It allows one to do as many activities for as long Read more…

On Cumming Well

Generally speaking, with enough experience and sufficient sexual frequency, a man can develop full control over his orgasm timing. He can keep going for as long as he and his partner would like to go. This presents an opportunity to, when he does decide to orgasm, do so with a purposefully driven level of precision, Read more…

On Male G-Spot Anal Orgasms

The male g-spot, also called the p-spot which stands for prostate, is a walnut shaped object that one can feel upon enterinig the asshole and pushing up. One can stimulate it with fingers, a butt plug, a dildo, or even vvarious vibrating devices. It is a type of orgasm that physically (almost) every man is Read more…

Women’s Refractory Period and Multiple Orgasms

One of the fascinating aspects of women’s sexuality is the wide range of sexual response. In tthis article I will lay out the different categories of women when it comes to their ability to enjoy stimulation after an orgasm and the degree to which they are capable of multiples. Clitoral Orgasms Some women, after a Read more…

Vaginal Orgasms and Fingering

As far as I understand, there is some debate about female pleasure anatomy. From one point of view, there are distinct separated points with different anatomy that bring her varying kinds of pleasure, i.e., the clitoris and G spot. From another understanding and literature, there is a large clitoral cluster that is in the inside Read more…