Male Multiple Orgasms?

There is a well known book that caused a lot of stir, the Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia (link at the bottom).
Basically, through some practices related to Tantra, the author claimed that men could achieve multiple orgasms.

What it basically comes down to is being able to induce pulsating sensations and spasms in the dick without ejaculation. And yes, this is in fact possible.
However, the feeling is not anywhere near as pleasureable as the real thing, I would say it can vary between 5 and 25% depending on how close you are otherwise.
Still, you can have as many of these as you want, so you can make up for quality with quantity on these, and with the right practice have many constantly in a row, which is good fun.

In general you are to train yourself to get to the edge up to ejaculation and stop. Practice regularly, pushing your edge each time (it’s ok if you go over accidentally sometimes as you calibrate this). Try it ride the edge as well, staying very close for a long period of time.
Eventually, you will come to a point where the cock will pulsate and you will feel a pleasureable sensation and spasming but no shooting of cum and you stay hard. It may be surprising at first if you haven’t done it, and you may be confused as to what happened, but you’ll get familiar with it, and you’ll have a good time with it.
To this day, even when I play with myself I give myself a couple of these first.

Now, this is one piece of advice that I see a lot, including this book, but it actually is counterproductive for me: they say to clench your PC muscle when you are getting close to cumming in order to stop it.
Maybe it works for some, but for me clenchinig my PC muscle when I’m very excited actually makes me more likely to go over.

Although definitely at other times train your PC muscle, squeezing it as an exercise regularly! That does help for this and general dick fitness. Basically squeeze the muscle that you use to hold back a pee for, say, 20 iterations for 3 sets a few times a week.

What works for me in terms of stopping myself when I am close to ejaculating is something I learned by word of mouth from a serious Tantra veteran (maybe it’s in a book as well but I don’t recall): as you get close, breathe in deep into your stomach, letting it expand full of air and then look up. Also it can help to stretch out a bit, and even (I know this sounds like woo-woo shit, but hey it works for me) imagine there’s a ball of energy emanating from your cock and then moving up your body and then flying out of your head.

In general of course the more often you have stimulation the more skilled you can get with this, and in more intensive tantric practice, if I am riding the edge for a long period of time, I can regularly have 10+ in a session.

The book: Mantak Chia Multi Orgasmic Man


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