2024 Update

It has been some time since I had written here, and so I owe an explanation.

Indeed, while I still intend to finish the books I am writing, I had been significantly scaling down my teaching over the past year. In general, I intend to pursue the path of the Brahmacharya, that is celibacy with channeling my (immense) sexual energy towards professional and creative pursuits.

Personally, the matter is such. My profession is highly cerebral, and as such I have found that adequate productivity is fundamentally incompatible with the lifestyle that is mandatory in the modern day, that is regular partying and/or dating app use, to have a regular sex life, let alone actively teach sexuality. I wish to ultimately refocus. I will still complete my book, and after a few years of Brahmachaya, do some teaching here and there or just hook up here and there but ultimately my priorities shall lie elsewhere.

I had some content regarding systemic concerns regarding the modern world and homo sapien mating patterns, but ultimately felt the content was too ranty and jarring in subject matter for the blog. So I’ll keep this place fun and sexy, and separately write a second book on applied Anthropology, describing and analyzing different mating patterns and across different cultures throughout my life, analyzing it from the standpoint of human evolution and primatotlogy, as wel as politico-economic historical and sociocultural phenomena. This should be interesting and informatively helpful as far as helping people understand these things better.

Wish all my readers well.