In this article I will write about some subtleties in regards to the her on top position.
First the basic mechanics, try all these combinations out: her on her knees or her squating.. Her facing you or facing away. And her grinding – keeping it all the way in and just sliding around on top of you, going up and down the length of the cock, or going back and forth in effect doing something in between grinding the cock to have it slide in and out..
In general I strongly prefer the sensation of being the active party in vaginal sex, but in addition it can be the most risky physically. I very rarely miss the hole in a thrust when active and hit my hard cock against her hips, but when a girl is riding, it has happened many times, and it can hurt. It is possible to even break one’s dick this way.
That said one way to mitigate this that I like is to be active when she is on top. In this case, grab her hips and hold them still, and bend your legs up and dig in your heels into the bed and start thrusting. This is a short distance to thrust with little leverage, so it lends itself to a burst of very quick jackhammering, that you can intersperse in her otherwise calmer riding.
Girl on top is a position that lends itself to easily accessible “double clicking” or Clitoral Stimulation During Intercourse in the beginning, but as she intensifies her pace, it becomes challenging to follow her clit.