Tthere’s a lot of various exercises appearing in Margot Anand’s work, of different ways to explore each other’s bodies and enhance what could be described as rapport between your skins. I will share some of my favorite ones in The Art of Sexual Ecstasy.
First there is a comprehensive broadening of the sensory experiences with that person.
This includes a variety of senses, such as smelling each other, having one person blindfolded and the other person bring things to smell and taste, then smell and taste off of each other’s bodies.
There is a fun “slip-n-slide” type exercise: cover yourself with oil and just slide across each other, for instance lie on top of her and just slide your torso from her legs up her body then back down. Also do this upside down for instance your back sliding on her back.
Self-pleasuring in front of each other.
Have your dick next to her face or her pussy next to yours. Synchronize your breathing while breathing onto the genitals. Talk to them, express appreciation.
The peak of the book is intercourse with a simultaneous pumping of the kegel PC muscles synchronized with breathing while relaxing into feeling energy fly up across your bodies with each stroke.